When choosing the right Underground Storage Tank (UST) for industrial or commercial applications, 100% Fiberglass tanks and the Permatank® (a double-wall, jacketed storage tank featuring an inner steel tank coupled with an exterior corrosion-resistant Fiberglass tank) are two primary types of fuel tanks that are used today. A Permatank® stands out for its durability and strength, ease of installation, and overall cost-effectiveness. The type of tank installed will impact cost, installation, and overall maintenance. Understanding the differences will help you make an informed decision.
Some characteristics of these types of USTs to consider:
1. Durability and Strength
Steel fuel tanks are generally known for their strength and versatility. Steel is highly resistant to physical impacts and environmental stressors, making it ideal for underground installations.
Potential leakage is of particular environmental concern in underground storage tanks. A unique standoff material separating the inner and outer tanks in a Permatank® ensures rapid and accurate leak detection.
Newer fuels and additives can cause cracking, blistering, and swelling in fiberglass. Fiberglass tanks have developed cracks, blisters, and de-lamination, believed to be caused by storage of ethanol.¹ The reason that this is a problem with 100% Fiberglass tanks is that the fuel rests against fiberglass rather than steel.
2. Ease of Installation
The fragility of a 100% Fiberglass tank can present significant installation issues. Care must be taken when installing a Fiberglass tank to avoid cracks and breaks. When installing a Fiberglass tank, more backfill with pea gravel is required to create a structure in which to lay the tank. In addition, due to the domed ends of a Fiberglass tank, generally a larger hole is needed, which can be a consideration when space is limited.
With a Permatank®, the installation costs and risks are generally lower. A Permatank® can be safely and easily put in place. Steel does not need backfill to provide structural support like a Fiberglass tank does. Therefore, not as much backfill is needed to keep a Permatank® in place, reducing the risk of cracking during installation and potentially lowering installation costs and complexity.
Newberry sales rep, Tommy Ashton, recalls a customer who buys a lot of underground tanks for fuel station owners. This particular customer used to buy all Fiberglass tanks. Since installing Newberry’s Permatank®, however, he’s not going back to fiberglass. This customer appreciates the ease with which he can “just drop the tanks in the hole, cover them up, and we’re gone. I don’t have to worry about all my guys down in the pit.”
3. Cost
The Permatank® is typically more affordable from the purchase price through the long-term expense.
4. Maintenance
Maintenance for a Permatank® typically involves periodic inspections for corrosion and protective coating touch-ups, ensuring prolonged service life. One of the key advantages of steel USTs is their longevity. When properly maintained, your tanks can last for decades, providing reliable storage for many fuels including diesel, gasoline, oil, and heating oil. For some helpful fuel storage tank maintenance tips, click here.
5. Warranty
The Permatank® is backed by the Steel Tank Institute (STI) and has an available 30-year warranty.
Choosing a Permatank® ultimately depends on the specific needs of your application. These tanks offer robustness, space savings, easy maintenance, and generally a lower long-term investment. By considering these factors upfront, you can make an informed decision that ensures your fuel tank meets your requirements effectively and efficiently.
Here’s one well-known convenience/gas retailer who pivoted to Newberry’s Permatank® and was able to significantly reduce delivery time as well.
¹STI/SPFA resource “Newer Fuels and Storage Tank Corrosion”